So how do you know if you need a lil soul cleansing....
The past plays probably the 1st piece in this whole journey. All your desires lie dormant within your soul- in order to obtain what these are we need to get rid of doubt, numbness, distraction, negative thinking. A higher part of you longs for growth vs the lower part that clings to what you are familiar with- even though this might cause pain or discomfort. The fact that you are looking for something more is the sign you are looking for according to Debbie Ford.
The unhappiness that sits inside, that is your frustration, discontent and anxiety are now pushing you for release-this requires you to be 100% truthful with yourself about The Present condition in your life, you will just be binding yourself to the past and closing the door to the future and upper self growth. This truthful realisation will allow you to open up to happiness, the courage to express your ideas and take risks.
So the 1st thing you do is- to bring forth your souls greatest desires. You pick 1 goal to achieve in your outer world and 1 goal to achieve in your inner world which you wish to achieve in the next 21 days...
Cleansing Ritual, you write down the area's of your life that require the most amount of attention right now. Ho will achieving your goals change your life? How will it affect the people around you? By achieving that part of your life what will that make room for?
Your Outer Goal: The action you take today that will move you step closer to your souls vision. Make that commitment to take that action.
Your Inner Goal: What is action you can take or thought you can think that will support you in having more of the feeling you desire?
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